the Ladder

July, 1957

Vol. 1 No. 10

Published monthly by the Daughters of Bilitis, Inc., a non-profit corporation, 693 Mission Street, Room 308, San Francisco, California. Telephone EXbrook 7.0773.


President Helen Sanders

Vice President Del Martin Secretary Marty Elliott


Treasurer Toni Navarro

Publications Director Phyllis Lyon





Phyllis Lyon

Assistant Del Martin




Jaye Bell

Production Helen Sanders


Los Angeles Reporter

Sten Russell

American Sexual Tragedy


by Albert Ellis, Ph.D.

Twayne Publishers, New York, 1954

288 pp: Bibliography:

Index ($4.50)

As a study of present day American attitudes towards sex, love, marriage and family relations, THE AMERICAN SEXUAL TRAGEDY by Albert Ellis, Ph.D., cannot help but bo of interest to both heterophiles and homophiles wi shing to keep an open mind on all subjects pertaining to human behavior patterns and their causes, particularly that of Americans. It should be most illuminating to us as homophiles, especially in the light of our own defiant social and sexual attitudes. It will become increasingly clear as the reader absorbs Dr. Ellis' erudite treatise that we conform to present social attitudes and mores much more than we perhaps realize. Our inbred beliefs and customs have sources which are buried so far back in the